Natural Wellness

Phytotherapy is the use of plants or plant extracts with therapeutic purposes. In fact, nowadays many medicines are based on the plant’s powerful active principles. 


Phytotherapy was first recognised as a medical branch in 1978 by the World Health Organisation in Germany, France and Switzerland. It is further included in the legislation regulating the rest of medical and pharmaceutical practices. Phytotherapy has been validated as a real therapeutic option by numerous contrasted scientific studies, and of course, by centuries of experience which have favoured millions of persons throughout the world

The current interest concerning phytotherapy is not tendency-related nor caused by a specific event. Nowadays we know a lot about medicinal plants. We know the most interesting species for each condition, the application method, most suitable presentation, etc. However, what is most evident about medicinal plants is that they are a valid natural alternative to a great part of traditional medicine.

Phytotherapy, name given to the medical use of plants, has always had relevance. Many of plant species used for their curative qualities by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans later became part of medieval pharmacopoeia, which was subsequently enriched by the knowledge contributed by the New World.

The said medicinal plants and remedies used at the time are still applied in modern days with the same efficient results. As a curiosity, we want to stress that this page has been illustrated by a photography taken from the first phytotherapy manuscript. The original manuscript, written in the 9th Century, is kept at the state Library in Lucca (Italy).

The reproduced texts range from the 4th to the 6th Century and are accompanied by plant and animal illustrations. It includes essays regarding phytotherapy, zootherapy, a medical book from Galen, anthropotherapy and even a nutritional calendar for each month of the year.

Discover the wonderful world of plants


Phytology, from the Greek word Fito meaning plant and Logos meaning knowledge, is the branch of biology that studies plants. Since ancient times, human beings have used plants as a remedy for diseases since the have the ability to provoke curative reactions due to the natural healing components wisely placed en each plant by nature. Its virtues have been known since ancient European cultures and China where nature has always been a priority in their health system, archiving more than 10,000 plants and its therapeutic properties.

Several documented related texts were found in Egypt, dated from 17th Century B.C and developed by scholars from that time period. The plants acquired special importance in Mesopotamia, India, Greece and the Persian Gulf.

The arrival of the Gutenberg print in the year 1450 made it possible to spread the curing properties of plants. The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus during that


 same period was also of great importance since it allowed the importation of many unknown varieties of plants in Europe and Asia.

Afterwards, during 

the 16th and 17th Centuries, by means of a chemical study of the active substances present in plants, the current pharmacopoeia began to be gathered with the active intervention of chemistry.

Summarising, since life exists on earth, nature has known how to provide solutions o the planet’s living beings. It can be said that the use of plants, as well as its subsequent development, is the base for the current allopathic or traditional medicine. Nowadays however, more people have become interested in more natural solutions. This is reflected by a return to the traditional techniques of the use and elaboration of plants in order to benefit from its proven effectiveness.


Throughout the 20th Century, old curative practices have been recovered and some new ones have arisen which have taken the healing field beyond the mechanistic vision consolidated during the 19th Century by western medicine. Recovering the idea that views the human body and mind as a natpharmawhole, and acknowledging that the main cure for diseases is the organism itself seen as a psychosomatic unit, these schools have become an alternative of modern medicine, and an integral way of understanding human’s health and well-being.

This has caused the creation of homeopathic schools, different body techniques, Bach flowers, the revolutionary world of vitamins, or the re-emerge of medicinal plants.

Botanic extracts constitute the most suitable alternative for achieving a highly positive and efficient effect. Furthermore, it provides the security and quality of remedies found in nature. The exact quantity desired of the plant’s active principles can be obtained from these extracts since they can be evaluated and standardised.

The elaboration of our Botanic Extracts comply with the strictest rules and controls, followed since the raw material selection and extraction method improvement, until obtaining high-quality and effective products, always fulfilling the requirements established by the legislation in force and different pharmacopoeia.

The different forms of plant-based extracts (fluid, dry or soft) are carried out in highly specialised laboratories.